Massachusetts “Regulations Relative to Application to Lawns in Residential Settings “333 CMR 13.06) requires that you receive this information bulletin.  

Are commercial applications to lawns safe?  

When pesticide application are performed properly and carefully the degree of risk is greatly reduced, however all pesticides are by design poisonous to some form of life.  Therefore they must be treated with caution.  Toxicity can vary from one pesticide product to another, and individuals may be affected differently from the same level of exposure. Although there is usually minimal risk, you should take steps to minimize your exposure to avoid potential problems.  

Is it safer to treat my own lawn?  Maintaining your own trees/shrubs with pesticides can be more hazardous since you will be directly exposing yourself to the harmful chemicals during application.  There are additional hazards with improper storage of pesticides around the home.  If you do decide to maintain your own tree/shrubs, seek professional advice and carefully follow the label directions.

Can I minimize exposure to pesticide applications?  Yes.  To minimize exposure and the potential for health related problems from pesticide applications, there are logical steps that can be taken such as closing windows and removing all lawn furniture and toys from the yard.  During and immediately after an application it is also important to keep other people, especially children and pets away from areas where pesticides are being applied.  

May I be notified by the company prior to the pesticide application?  Yes. The pesticide applicator/company you hire must provide you with the opportunity to request per-notification before each application.  This notification would allow you time to prepare for the application(s).  You can also use this notification option to contact neighbors that might have concerns/questions.  

Does the applicator have to put the yellow signs on my lawn?  Yes. The applicator is required to post standardized signs on pesticide treated lawns.  The signs provide notice to you that a pesticide application has been made to your lawn.  This will allow you and other persons to avoid the treated areas.  Children should be made aware that the signs mean that a pesticide application has recently taken place and that they should avoid using those areas. You may remove the signs after 24 hours.

What information must be left with me after the application?  After each application, you should receive the following information:  Name and Pesticide applicator license number  Date and time of the application  Name and EPA Registration number of pesticides applied to your property  Directions/Precautions on what you should do after the application

Why is my lawn being treated mosquito/ticks?  Mosquito and tick applications may be applied to the lawn.  They are often applied in a manner so that the product either comes into direct contact with mosquito/ticks or the product remains on foliage for a period of time so that it will kill the mosquito/tick when they rest on the foliage or come into contact with it.  

What if I have a question or a problem?  The Department of Agricultural Resources regulates the use of pesticides in Massachusetts.  It is a violation of the law to use a pesticide inconsistent with the label directions.   All commercial pesticide applicators must have a valid Pesticide Applicator License issued by the Department.  Consumers should check to insure that the applicator is licensed or certified.  If you suspect that your applicator is unlicensed or a misuse has occurred, please contact the Department of Agricultural Resources.

 If you have any further questions or concerns about pesticides or the application of pesticides you should contact your tree/shrub company or you can contact the following:  

 Department of Agricultural Resources 251 Causeway Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02114 617-626-1700   fax:  617-626-1850    

Massachusetts Pesticide Enforcement: (617) 626-1782  EPA National Pesticide Information Center: (800) 858-7378  Massachusetts Poison Information Center: (617) 232-2120  Department of Public Health/Bureau of Environmental Health (617) 624-5757  If you have a contractual problem with a company, please contact the Massachusetts Attorney Generals’ Office of Consumer Affairs at (617) 727-8400 or the Better Business Bureau at (617) 4269000 and (413)734-3114.   May 2, 2017   Page 2 of 2